
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Welcome to ByronLine!

Welcome, one and all, to the first iteration of the ByronLine weblog. I'll be posting news and events to this page, as well as the mailing list, on a somewhat less-than-regular basis. Look for items about my composition activities, home and work life, opinions, trials, and exultations.

Where do I begin? (Can it be measured by the hours in a day?) Why music, of course! I have recently begun to find my muse once again. My composer site, , is up and provides information about my compositional career and links to my scores site at . I've recently located a few opportunities that may lead to a performance and am actively preparing to take them. My works in progress -- works for solo cello and solo violin, a second set of Lyrics of Paul Laurence Dunbar, a passacaglia for organ -- were stalled temporarily, but I have found new incentive to work towards finish.

Look for more on these and other bits in future entries of ByronLine. For now, I'm going to bed!
